Marks Point Public School Newsletter - Week 2, Term 1

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Findon Street, Marks Point NSW 2280 Phone: 4945 4433 Fax: 4947 7842 Email:

From the Principal

Dear School Community,

Welcome back to Marks Point Public School for 2021! We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break.

This year will be a busy but exciting year with many activities planned for our students, COVID permitting. As always, our core business is to help your child succeed in their learning while demonstrating the school’s core values of ‘Respect, Responsibility and Excellence’.

Our focus in classrooms and in the playground is to develop these skills in a safe, nurturing environment. We look forward to 2021 as we work with families to push all students to reach their highest potential.

COVID Intensive Learning Support Program (CILSP)

The 2021 COVID intensive learning support program will provide small group tuition for students who need it most across NSW primary, secondary and specialist schools.

Through the COVID intensive learning support program, schools will be provided with funding to employ additional educators who will deliver small group tuition for students who need it most.

Small group tuition involves supplementary teaching and learning support for groups of 2-5 students. Students are taught consistently for a predetermined amount of time with the intention to reinforce classroom instruction. The program will start during Term 1, 2021 and run throughout the school year.

Classes and Staffing 2021:

Our staffing has nearly been finalised for this year and we appreciate the fact that the composite classes can cause distress for some students. However these classes also provide opportunities to support students who need extra help or extend other students who can be pushed to reach their maximum potential. Classes and teachers for 2021 are:

· KJ - Mrs Janine Johns (Monday - Thursday) and Mrs Anna Gray on Fridays

· K/1D - Mrs Sherrene Dawes

· 1/2G - Mrs Janet Gleeson

· 2/3G - Mr Paul Gleeson

· 4/5M - Mrs Sophie Melville

· 5/6L - Mr Mark Littlewood

· 6DY - Mrs Raquel Davis (Assistant Principal) and Mrs Michelle Yeo     (Wednesdays and Fridays)

· Learning and Support Teacher (Years K - 2) - Mrs Michelle Vallender:     Monday - Wednesday

· Learning and Support Teacher (Years 3 - 6) - Ms Chandla Bradley:   Tuesday - Thursday

· RFF - History/Geography, High Potential (infants) - Mrs Katrina Haeusler:   Monday - Wednesday

· RFF - Science and CILSP (Years K - 2), Mrs Anna Gray: Monday - Thursday

· CILSP Years 3 - 6, Mrs Sandra Banks: Tuesday and Wednesday

· School Learning and Support Officers – Mrs Tina Main (full-time   permanent), Mrs Michelle Johnston and Mrs Debra Searle

· School Administrative Staff - Miss Kelly Wright (full-time), Mrs Angela   Callen (Monday and Tuesday) and Miss Tailah Mostyn (Tuesday - Friday).

· General Assistant - Mr Gary Pollock(Wednesdays and every second Friday)

Educational Resource Pack Fees:

Notes will be sent home for the Educational Resource Fee for students. This fee covers relevant textbooks and resources your child will need throughout the year ($40).

The Educational Resource Pack, helps the school purchase work books, folders and site licences for every student to access on-line educational programs which are costly.

Payment can be made online, (through our school website) or at the school office. If families require assistance with any fees please see the office to discuss financial options.  

Active Kids and Creative Kids Program:

The NSW Government is helping kids get active with the new Active Kids program. Parents, and carers can apply for a voucher valued up to $100 per calendar year for each student enrolled in school.

The voucher may be used with a registered activity provider for registration, participation and membership costs for recreation activities. The voucher can be used at any time during the calendar year it was issued. Contact Service NSW on 13 77 88.

Student Supervision:

Please note that the playground is not supervised until 8.30am each morning. We are currently experiencing students arriving at 8am.

While we like their enthusiasm for school, for your child’s safety, please do not send your child to school until after the first bell at 8.30 am.

Marks Point OOSH & Vacation Care:

We would like to say a warm welcome to our new Marks Point OOSH and Vacation Care. If you would like to register your child for our OOSH service please see the office for an enrolment package. If your child has been coming to school before 8:30am you may wish to enrol them into our OOSH service.

Kindest regards,

Sharne Turpin


Classes 2021

COVID Guidelines

Need advice for kids with Autism?

P&C AGM and general meeting - Thursday 18 February @ 5pm

Uniform Shop

Marks Point Public School OOSH and Vacation Care

Safety around schools