Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 2 - 14 February 2022

From the Principal

What’s on?

Week 4

Monday 14 Feb        Staff meeting – Wellbeing focus

Tuesday 15 Feb        P&C Meting 6.30pm in Community Centre

Thursday 17 Feb       Class SRC elections for Year 2- 6

Friday 18 Feb            SRC elections for sporting houses


Week 5

Monday 21 Feb        Staff meetings in stage teams

Wednesday 23 Feb BHNPS Swimming Carnival


Principal’s Report

Current guidelines re COVID-19:

Unfortunately, 2 members of our school community returned a positive test for COVID last week, with the latest being on Friday evening. Our thoughts and wishes for them is that they don’t become too ill with the virus in their isolation period.

If symptoms occur at any time, you should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test. If a rapid antigen test is positive you/your child should isolate as someone who has tested positive to COVID-19  . If you cannot access a rapid antigen test, you can attend a PCR (nose and throat swab) testing clinic.

We will be distributing our next round of rapid antigen test packs to parents for Stages 1, 2 3, and Special Education on Monday morning and afternoon at the Chapple Street cohort entrances. Another round will be available on Tuesday afternoon. If these times don’t suit you may come into the office, with a mask and check-in and we’ll hand over a pack for your child.



COVID Safe Check-in

Basically, things haven’t changed a great deal from the situation and guidelines in place at the end of last year in that parents and carers are still encouraged to remain outside the school grounds. That said, should you need to come into the school to purchase something or attend a scheduled meeting the following requirements are in place –


From Term 1 2022, all NSW public schools use the Service NSW COVID Safe Check-in


Look for the COVID Safe QR code posters when you enter your child’s school. Be sure to sign in at the school administration building according to your school’s visitor guidelines.



On a far more positive note, it was so great to see our Kindies commence their journey in Paradise on Friday. It always reminds me how lucky I am to be a teacher. Just a reminder that this cohort are dropped off and picked up from the McCulloch Street gates. We will take some photos this week for publication in the Barrier Truth.

Eligibility for a Broken Hill North Public School SRC 2022

NB – Minor adjustments required due to learning from home realities last year due to COVID-19 and the reduction in weeks where T&L data was recorded.


Student Representative Council

  • Achieve 20 green weeks in 2021 or Royal Blue for students who were here for at least half the year.
  • Students from Yr 2- 6
  • Year 2 – 2 representatives if we have straight classes. 1/2H – 1 rep from Year 2
  • Years 3 – 6 – 2 representatives elected
  • Special Education – 1 representative elected for each MC and IO/AU classes. If IM have 13 or more students 2 representatives
  • Each class member has 2 votes


House Captains

  • Achieve 20 green weeks in 2021 or Royal Blue for students who were here for at least half the year.
  • Priority given to year 6 candidates
  • Candidates to be nominated and accept prior to voting
  • Captains elected with no gender bias – 2 captains and 2 vice captains
  • SRC students ineligible

Welcome Miss A!



One of our major and ongoing professional learning activities we have in place is HOW2Learn which is a research-based package aimed at increasing our teaching skills and improving outcomes for our students. Each week I will endeavour to propose aspects of mindsets and challenge you to take it into consideration in your role as parents / carers. 

Fixed Mindset

If you have to try you must be stupid

Change to

Growth Mindset

If you have to try you must be learning

Which mindset is most likely to result in learning?  Change the words, change the mindset!

Attendance Snapshot

Term 1 Week 3

Target 91%

Actual - 86.48%

K FK-1 MK-6 DK-6 RK-6 W1 H1-2 H

2 B3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 W

Lots of room for improvement here - Every day counts!


Class AwardsLearning Power Awards
K-6 RIndianna Rampling
1 HRhemy Tracey, Jayarna Shillingsworth, Dean Murphy
1-2 HCharlie Stephens, Daiv Gajjar, Grace Cooper
2 BPhoenix Meadows, Zac Johnston
3-4 KWhisper Dodd, Patrick Aeschlimann, Harrison Druitt
3-4 SIsabella Peduto, Aidan Corradini, Dakoda Power
3-6 LHenry Linnett, Brycen Haugum
5-6 GDeacoda Corradini, Shaelee Calder, Josh Murray

COVID Smart Measures for Schools

Thought for the week

School Uniforms

The P& C Uniform shop is available for online ordering and orders will be ready for collection on Monday. The uniform shop will be open Monday mornings 9:30 am to 10:30 am for cash purchases and viewing of the uniforms. 

Please see image below for online ordering instructions through SCHOOL24. 

Community News

Broken Hill North Public School

Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.