Dear Parents and Carers,
Kindergarten Enrolments 2022
A reminder that we are accepting enrolments for Kindergarten 2022, so if you are intending to enrol and haven’t yet done so, please make contact with our school on 4443 4376. If you know of others who are intending to enrol, please spread the word. For those families who live locally and have already received their enrolment package, we request that you complete the forms contained within and return them to school at your earliest convenience. Your child’s identification and immunisation documents are also required to commence enrolment. If you reside within the school drawing zone and have not yet received an enrolment package, please contact our office staff to arrange to have one sent out.
Athletics Carnival
Mr Munn has been very busy recently, assisting classes to complete their athletics events. This has meant that Miss Salmon has spent increased time teaching 5-6M over the past week.
News from yesterday’s PSSA meeting is that the district athletics carnival is set to proceed next Thursday, 5 and Friday 6 August. Current restrictions dictate that, unfortunately, parents will not be able to attend and schools will be supplying additional staff to assist with events at the carnival.
A permission note will be sent home in coming days for students who are eligible to participate and we will obviously pass on any information as soon as it comes to hand.
Thank you for your patience in this changing landscape.
Have a great week!
Rod White