Lithgow Public School Newsletter

Term 4 Week 6

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers

 This term is certainly moving along fast! There are only 3 weeks of the 2020 school year left and we are getting very close to our end of year activities.

 As you will be aware, we have had to make many adjustments to our practise throughout the year in response to COVID-19, and this will continue with our end of year routines.


We are currently finalising plans for our end of year Presentation Day and will communicate these as soon as possible. Unfortunately, due to current restrictions, we will be unable to hold the event in its usual format with our community, however, we look forward to celebrating the achievements of our students and school in 2020 in a different manner.

 We are also in the process of beginning to think about student leadership positions for 2021. Student leadership positions include: School Captains, Vice Captains, Prefects, Library Monitors, Music Monitors, Technology Monitors and Sports Captains. Year 5 students have the opportunity to apply for these positions. During this week, Year 5 students will be given nomination forms to begin the process. Students who choose to apply will deliver speeches in Week 9. These speeches will be delivered to the school population, however, unfortunately we won’t be able to have parents present due to COVID-19 restrictions.  

 Our Year 5 Broken Bay camp is continuing in Week 8, followed by the Year 6 excursion to Wellington Caves and Dubbo in Week 9. These will be a terrific experience for our senior students as the term draws to a close.


Our Year 6 farewell will be held in the school hall on Monday 10 December, and we will forward the details of this special event to you when finalised.

 We are also currently planning for the 2021 school year, and as such are beginning to examine possible class structures and student placement. On occasion, we do receive parental requests regarding their child’s class for the following year, which we consider on a case by case basis. We ask that any requests of this nature are provided in writing to the school, usually via the school email address

 As part of this planning, we are in the process of determining where teachers will be placed in 2021. We currently have an Expression of Interest process underway and the outcome of this process will finalise decisions regarding teaching staff at Lithgow Public School in 2021. On that note, I would like to indicate that Mrs Kim Cefai has accepted a position at St Patricks Catholic School in 2021. Mrs Cefai will finish the year with her class and take up this position in 2021. We wish her all the best. 

 Our school P&C is also holding its Annual General Meeting at 6.00pm and a General Meeting to follow directly after it. These meetings will be held in the school’s library on Monday 23 November. There will also be an opportunity for people to Zoom into these meetings should they not want to attend in person. If you wish to attend either of these meetings via Zoom please email the school’s email account at and these will be forwarded onto the P&C. A link will then be provided to join the Zoom meeting.

Kind regards,

Mark Davies

Principal | Lithgow Public School



NAIDOC Celebrations

Stage 3

Stage 3 have been busy making Indigenous Artwork and painting Boomerangs.  Aunty Kim enjoyed helping the students create colourful patterns and designs. Well done to all the students! 

Raising Chickens

This term Hartley had the opportunity to incubate and hatch chickens in class. We were overjoyed when we came to school on Monday and five had already hatched. Throughout the day another six hatched. We are enjoying seeing them grow before our eyes. They feel so soft and cuddly when we get to hold them!


P & C Meeting

P & C Meeting 


Our school P&C is holding its Annual General Meeting at 6.00pm and a General Meeting to follow directly after it. These meetings will be held in the school’s library on Monday 23 November. There will also be an opportunity for people to Zoom into these meetings should they not want to attend in person. If you wish to attend either of these meetings via Zoom please email the school’s email account at and these will be forwarded onto the P&C. A link will then be provided to join the Zoom meeting.

Thank you Miss Whyte

For the last six weeks, Arnold, in Stage 3, have been fortunate enough to have Miss Whyte complete her final teaching practicum placement with us. Despite being with us for a short time, Miss Whyte will always have a special place in our hearts. We wish her all the very best in her teaching journey to come! In the words of Ollie from Arnold, “Miss Whyte is as precious as gold. She is the first flower to bloom in Spring. Miss Whyte is priceless.”Mrs Cefai, Arnold Classroom Teacher, Stage 3.

Indigenous Artifacts

As part of our NAIDOC celebrations this week our students were able to get a close up look at some Indigenous artefacts. They enjoyed learning about what these artefacts were used for and who would have used them.

Aunty Kim and Wombats

Little Learners

Today and Tuesday our Little Learners came to school. They had an awesome day playing on the equipment and eating their lunch outside. In the classroom they learnt to draw their names and trace around letters. They were treated with a visit by our School Captains.

One Community


All students library books are now due. Please return them by the end of the week 

Lithgow Public School - Before and After School Care

Singing and Piano Lessons

Taking new Enrolment for Next Year!

Professional Voice Instruction in all styles for people of all ages

Singing or Piano Lessons are available at Lithgow Public  School with Mrs Kerry O'Connor Brown. 

Please contact 0408 611 526 or contact the School Office for more details. 

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