Mount Kanwary Public School Newsletter

Term 1 Week 3 2021

Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers

As we all know, 2020 was a tough year.

This is particularly so for our students and teachers who have risen to the challenges in a disrupted year that included seven weeks of remote learning due to COVID-19, and in some areas, that came on top of bushfires and floods.

For our students, this has been an unsettling time.

The government and department have recognised this with the announcement of a $337 million program aimed at ensuring that schools can identify students who would benefit the most from intensive support. This will be tailored to their requirements to ensure that students’ educational outcomes continue to improve in 2021.

The 2021 External link COVID intensive learning support program will provide small group tuition for students who need it most across NSW primary, secondary and specialist schools.

All public schools across the state will benefit with an allocation to employ additional teachers and educators to support student learning.

We have begun planning for the implementation of small group tuition program in our school. The groups will be conducted during school hours, Mrs Rebecca Somerville will deliver the learning. Although we will be focusing on literacy and numeracy, we are considering a number of subject areas.

We will keep you updated. In the meantime the department’s website has more information on this program.

Best wishes

·       Best Start testing

·       Parent/teacher interviews weeks 4 + 5

·       Welcome BBQ- 18/2 8:30-9:30

·       Student leadership Portfolios

School Captains- Kaylie and Ben- morning school assemblies, whole-school assemblies. School representative role

Sports Leader- Zak – sports shed, school sport set-up, playground sport, school carnivals

Technology Leader- Ezekiel- Tuesday Tech club, technology student support, technology kits

Environment and Aboriginal Education Leader- Wayne- Garden club, Acknowledgement of Country, Aboriginal education student representative, NAIDOC week

Library Monitor- Lloyd- library assistant including lunch/recess borrowing and returns

Art Club- Chessie- lunchtime art/craft activities

Have a wonderful week!

Katrina Cameron


Up Coming Events

Week 4Parent/Teacher interviews
18 FebWelcome BBQ from 8.30am to 9.30am
11 MarSelective HS Placement test Year 7 2022 
18 MarHarmony Day
23 MarSmall Schools Athletics Carnival - whole school 
1 AprilEnd of Term 1

School Parking Safety Zones

Port Stephens Council Rangers will be commencing their School Zone campaign as of today. The campaign will run over the next four weeks. Rangers will be conducting High Visibility visits to all schools across the LGA, with a focus on education about what the parking signs mean.

Kindergarten 2021

Wow!! Kindergarten 2021 have had an amazing first week at Mount Kanwary, they all  looked so grown up in their school uniforms!

Mrs Vickers will be completing Best Start this week,  and also commented on how settled and happy all our kindergarten were for so early in the year.

Well done Kindergarten!

Library News

This week Library will be happening on Wednesday. Students will need to make sure they have their library bags to borrow a book

Small Schools Swimming Carnival

Our SS Swimming Carnival was on last Friday! The students who attended the day "shone brightly" and represented our school with pride by displaying sportsmanship and great participation in the events of the day! The school was also very grateful to the parents who attended and supported the staff and being encouraging supporters! A BIG thank you!!

A great day was had by all!

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Behaviour Flowchart

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Mount Kanwary Public School is a small school with immense pride in the quality of educational opportunities offered to students.