
Goulburn Public School

Term 2 - Week 9

Principal's Message

This will be our final newsletter for the term. It is amazing how fast the term has flown by. The students are  all looking forward to our excursion to see the performance of Madagascar tomorrow. Students who have not returned permission notes as of today will be supervised by Mrs Smith at school.

Our school captain's Kayley and Lewis delivered a cake to thank our first responders who do so much for our community last week. They did an excellent job of representing our school.

Have an enjoyable and safe holiday period. 

Mark Sullivan


Thank You To Our First Responders


21 June

22  June

23 June

24 June

25 June

-Last Day Term 2

28  June

School Holidays

29 June

School Holidays

30  June

School Holidays

1 July

School Holidays

2 July

School Holidays

5 July

School Holidays

6 July

School Holidays

7 July

School Holidays

8 July

School Holidays

9 July

School Holidays


12 July

-Staff Development Day

13 July 

-Students Return Term 3

14 July15 July16 July

Reminder - Madagascar PBL Reward Day

Tomorrow is our PBL Reward Day Excursion to watch Madagascar  - A Musical Adventure JR. This is a live theatrical performance put on by The Rocky Hill Musical Company.

Students will travel by bus to Goulburn West Public School at approximately 12.30pm and return back to Goulburn Public School by approximately 2.30pm.  

We have arranged to have lunch before we leave for the performance and we will have recess when we return. Our canteen will still be open taking orders for the early lunches.

We hope all of our students enjoy the performance as a reward for respecting our PBL values for this term.

Premier's Spelling Bee

On Friday 11 June, students from years 3-6 had the opportunity to participate in the school rounds of the Premier’s Spelling Bee. Years 3 and 4 competed first where 11 students took the challenge to find the Stage 2 winner.  Years 5 and 6 followed with 12 competitors to find the Stage 3 winner.  A big congratulations to all who took to the stage to spell.  The two winners will go on to compete in the Regional Finals in Weeks 7-8 of Term 3.

A friendly reminder that Goulburn Public School is a Nut Free School zone. Due to allergies please do not pack peanuts or any other nut products into your children's lunchboxes. It is very important we keep our students safe.

PBL News

Term 2 - Weeks 8 & 9

PBL Expectation Week 8

Our PBL lesson for this week is about respecting others’ right to learn. Students learnt the importance of allowing teachers to provide instruction for all students in the class. We encourage you to ask your child about this lesson. Goulburn Public School is also here to teach each and every student,  so if your child is having trouble focusing in the classroom, please contact your classroom teacher to discuss supportive strategies to allow all students to be successful in the classroom.

Here are some things you can do to support the idea of asking for help if you need it.

● Talk with your child about the importance of learning and allowing others to learn in the classroom.

● Remind your child, all children have a legal right to an education and no-one should interfere with their learning.

Week 8 Award Winners K-2

PBL Expectation Week 9

Our PBL lesson for this week is to speak respectfully. Students learnt the importance of speaking appropriately to other people. This includes students, teachers and people in the community. We encourage you to ask your child about this lesson. Goulburn Public School is also here to teach each and every student,  so if your child is having trouble focusing in the classroom, please contact your classroom teacher to discuss supportive strategies to allow all students to be successful in the classroom.

Here are some things you can do to support the idea of asking for help if you need it.

● Talk with your child about the importance of learning and allowing others the right to be heard and spoken to respectfully.

● Remind your child, all children have a legal right to an education and no-one should interfere with their learning by speaking inappropriately to them; or likewise, them speaking inappropriately to others.

Week 9 Award Winners 3-6

Athletics and Cross Country Ribbon Recepients

2021 NSW Premier's Reading Challenge

The Premiers Reading Challenge has started. Students in K-2 are participating during school and 3-6 need to continue reading their books independently. Please remember to make sure you log the book details when you have finished reading it. If you have any questions, please see Mrs Lang.

Overdue Books

Please return any overdue library books before the end of this term. 

Save The Date

Book Week Dress-up Parade  2021 will be on Tuesday 24 August. Further details will be given out closer to the date.

Updated SaCC Program 2021

Have you moved house? Do you have a new phone number?

Please contact the school office to update any details that may have changed.



Unfortunately we have had confirmed cases of head lice at our school. Could you please check your child’s hair and make sure you treat your their hair appropriately before returning them to school. Further information on head lice is available on the NSW Health website or through the Department's website:

Year 6 Mulwaree High School Orientation Days

Year 6 Goulburn High Focus Days

Joke Of The Week!

Uniform Price List 2021

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open every Tuesday morning 8.45 to 9.15am. Alternatively if you have any orders outside of these hours please contact the school P&C via their Facebook page and orders will be sent home with students on Thursdays or Fridays. 

Canteen Menu - Term 2 2021