Huskisson Public School

Husky Star Newsletter Week 8 Term 4 2020

The craziness of December has started and it is wonderful to hear the excited voices of the students as we prepare for the holiday season. However, there are still so many events that are planned for the next week and a half - more than any previous year. We are scheduling in as much as we can for our students before a well-deserved break!

This week, our school partied away during our book character parade. Both staff and students enjoyed dressing up and sharing our love of reading and books. 

Book Character Parade

Lunch orders

This coming Wednesday will be our very last canteen. Although students may order from the entire menu, some items may not be available. We are trying to use up our stocks so that they do not have to store them throughout the holidays.


Students presented their slogans this week and had the opportunity to showcase their leadership skills. Early next week, the candidates will deliver their leadership speeches and students will vote for their preferred candidate immediately afterwards. The captains and vice captains will be announced on Friday at the Stage 3 presentation assembly. 

Presentation Assemblies

On Monday we will begin our week of Presentation Assemblies with the Early stage One Assembly. Thank you for your understanding in regards to only having one person per student attend, as we know that this has been difficult for you. Please note that unfortunately this cannot include siblings and other children due to COVID restrictions.  In response to this we will photograph every child who receives an award and get these photos out to you via Class Dojo.  

We look forward to seeing you all over the coming eight school days. 


Huskisson Leadership Team

Together, we are Stronger and Smarter

Term 4 Calendar

Monday 7 December

Year 6 Farewell

Early Stage One Presentation Assembly 9am (only one representative per child)



Tuesday 8 December

Jamberoo Year 6 reward day

Fishing Leisure Sports

Infants Shoalhaven Zoo Excursion 


3/4 Sharknet


Wednesday 9 December

Presentation Day - Details to be confirmed.

Stage One Presentation Assembly 9am (only one representative per child)


Years 1 & 2

Thursday 10 December Stage Two Presentation Assembly 9am (only one representative per child)Years 3 & 4
Friday 11 December

Stage Three Presentation Assembly 9am (only one representative per child)

This assembly will feature the announcement of the 2021  School Leader

Years 5 & 6

Gardening for Sustainability – Week 8

Stage 2 students are gaining awareness of how we generate waste and the problems it causes. In response, the students have become motivated to plan and manage change towards sustainability by revamping a decision to have a plastic free lunchbox day. This project will be launched in the new school year. However, the students are keen to begin spreading the word and promote their environmental goal. Please read on to find out more information from our students:

A better school means less plastic. It does not mean to spread plastics. Huskisson Public School is a wonderful school but our poor oceans are another story. To help our amazing school be better, year 3 are starting a Bare Food Tuesday. This means that we will no longer have wrapped food or plastic in our lunch box on Tuesday. The whole of year 3 (for the past few weeks) have been cleaning out the bins and our results are atrocious! Let’s all work together to make a difference. 

By Sophia, Addison. G Emelia, and Lani

Year 3 - this is a most impressive initiative and one that I know our community will be most interested in following.   Miss Lovell

Bare Food Tuesday is an opportunity to help our school to stop and reduce our rubbish. If our school makes almost 4 kg of rubbish in one day, imagine how much rubbish we would make in a year! Rubbish is bad for the environment. 

We should stop the plastic and use Bare Food Tuesday. 

By Autumn, Addison L, Madelyne L. and Summer

What you have written is very enlightening. 4kg of rubbish adds up very quickly across a whole school week. There are great improvements we can make together.   Miss Lovell

Library News

The Wildest Book Week Ever!

Book Fair Re-cap

The dancing, the silly teacher performance, the costume parade and the book buying were all answers given when I asked the students what they liked most about our Book Fair week. It was definitely a Book Fair to remember and thanks to all of our school community support, we exceeded the total sales from last year! It is with heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you that helped make this a great success. A BIG shout-out also goes to each of the families who made some of our teacher wish-lists come true. Thanks to the Goff, Fruend (Woods), Dellaquasss, Clark, Little, Goodwin, Buckingham and Fiorillo families.  Your generosity will not go unnoticed. 

It was wonderful to see how many of our students and teachers went all out to participate in Book Fair this year. For a little school, we certainly deliver big results! Thank you to our families and wonderful teachers for making this such a special day for the children!   Miss Lovell

Class Character Costume and Speech Winners

By far the efforts for character costumes were the best ever and teachers reported that the quality of speeches was excellent, making it hard to pick a winner.  Class winners were: Emily  (Colllingwood), Michaella  (K/1 Moona), Gemma  (1/2  Tapalla), Edward  (1/2 Sailors), Coco  (3/4 Sharknet), Lani (3/4 White Sands), Lucas  (5/6 Voyager),  and Ashley  (5/6 Currambene).  Congratulations!

Wonderful Costumes and Speeches

Book Return Time

All books are due back to the library now! Stocktake is a long and tedious job, but is necessary to keep track of our collection, manage the health of our books and to keep the books up-to-date. Please return all books as soon as possible so that we can account for them.  Should a book come to an unfortunate end or has been accidentally damage, let us know so that a suitable replacement or payment can be organised.  Thanks in advance.

P&C Update

NEXT MEETING : Wednesday 2 February 7.00pm

Onsite - All welcome!

We Are Husky Stars

We are Safe - We are Tolerant - We are Achieving - We are Responsible

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