Willoughby Public School Newsletter

Term 2, Week 2 - Friday 30 April 2021


At Willoughby Public School we aim to cultivate socially-aware learners who are critical and creative thinkers, within a safe, respectful and responsible learning community.


03/05/2021Kindy Canteen Orientation visit
06/05/2021Cross Country Yrs 3-6 new date
07/05/2021Mothers and Others Day Breakfast
11/05/2021NAPLAN testing window opens
17/05/2021Year 6 CARES (bike education & road safety) 
18/05/2021Year 6 CARES (bike education & road safety) 
19/05/2021Zone Cross Country
19/05/2021P&C Meeting 7:00pm Hall
21/05/2021NAPLAN testing window closes


Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome back 

It was lovely to see all the smiling faces as students returned from holidays last Tuesday. Welcome back to another busy term of learning. 

SDD summary

Teachers engaged in a full day professional learning on the Staff Development Day (pupil free day) last Monday with a focus on English and mathematics. Staff also completed their annual first aid and anaphylaxis training. 

C Block re-paint / repair

You may have noticed the fencing and cherry pickers around parts of our historic C Block building. As Willoughby's oldest structure, it has received various (much needed) upgrades over recent years, including new roofing and guttering, an internal repaint and re-carpet, new sinks and the creation of a new flexible open-plan learning space. 

The final part of the upgrade is the repair and re-paint of the external walls and eaves. A team of tradespeople began work in the holidays and will continue working over the term. They are doing a very thorough job so far and the sections already completed look great. 

Anzac Assembly

We held our first whole school assembly last Friday to commemorate Anzac Day. It was lovely to have all students K-6 gathered together in our new hall and COLA area. Thanks to all of the students and staff who contributed, and to our wonderful musicians in Intermediate Band along with PB trumpeters Harry and Charlie. A link to the recording was sent earlier this week via Skoolbag. 

Cross Country

Earlier today we made the difficult decision to postpone the event as air quality worsened over the morning. A back up date has been confirmed for Thursday 6 May. Please keep an eye out for a new email with a revised permission note for the new date.  

Online permissions trial 

Over the holidays the Term 2 permission notes and accounts were emailed to families. In response to feedback from parents, the school is trialling online permissions this term. Feedback from parents/carers has been very positive and we have seen a quicker turnaround of permissions. The reduction of printing and paper also fits in well with the school's focus on sustainability. 

Staffing update

After 6 wonderful years at Willoughby Public School it is with mixed feelings we announce that Mr Thorn, one of our teacher librarians, is moving away from Sydney with his family. Mr Thorn will commence as teacher-librarian at Moss Vale Public School at the start of Term 3. 

We would like to thank Mr Thorn for his hard work in helping make the library such a welcoming and positive space here at Willoughby, and for developing and growing a love of reading and quality literature in our students.  

Mr Thorn's expertise in technology and book week character dress ups have been appreciated by all and will be missed. Mr Thorn has a special message for the community later in the newsletter. 

The recruitment process will begin shortly as we look to employ a new teacher librarian. 

Safety around school - new pole wraps

A huge thank you to our P&C Traffic Committee and Willoughby City Council for their work in improving safety around the school, particularly at busy drop off and pick up times. 

New Pole-Wraps have been installed at the kiss and drop zones along Keary Street and Oakville Road with reminders of how these spaces should be used. 

The school is currently working with the NSW Department of Education's Transport Infrastructure Planning office to identify further improvements to the way we move students in and out of school safely. 

PBEL games and activities - Rose Garden

Our beautiful Rose Garden playground is used as a quiet activity play area at recess and lunch. It provides a less busy and quieter area for students to play in when they want a change from the more active areas in the back playgrounds and mini oval. 

Recently, the PBEL team have introduced some games and activities to give students a variety of things to do individually, in pairs or in small groups. 

Some pictures of these games and activities in use are included below. 

I would like to thank the executive, staff, students and community for their support over the past fortnight while Ms Simmonds has been on leave. 

Shaun Michaeil

Student Representative Council (SRC) update

In Term 1 we raised $938.35 for Stewart House. This organisation assists children participate in educational programs that are designed to develop social and emotional skills, build self-esteem and to improve student wellbeing. We are proud to have assisted in raising money to help with renovations, food, shelter and medical checkups. Stewart House relies on schools, businesses and support from individuals for donations, as it is not funded by the government.

At the last SRC meeting, class representatives presented 8 worthy charity ideas for Term 2. After much debate it was decided to raise money for Bowel Cancer Research. Bowel Cancer is responsible for 11% of all new cancers in Australia with 15,000 people predicted to be diagnosed this year alone. More information will be communicated soon.

We would like to thank everybody for their kind Stewart House donations in Term 1.

SRC Leaders Patrick, Charlotte, Harper and Naomi



Exciting announcement coming soon...

Keep your eye out for a message from P&C Traffic Committee about a Walking Bus pilot being planned for Walk Safely to School Day 2021, Friday 14 May.  

Opportunities for volunteers and participants coming soon ... 

Sports Update

Over the last few months several students at Willoughby Public School have excelled in different areas of sport. We recognise the valuable part sport plays in the lives of many of our families. Parents/Carers - please continue to send the school updates of student achievements so that we can share them with our community,  

Ben in Year 6 was very proud to Represent Willoughby Public in the Sydney North Team at the NSWPSSA Boys Basketball State Championships that was held in Terrigal this week.

The Sydney North Team went through the entire pool rounds undefeated, playing in the Semis – winning, and then went on to play against Sydney East in the Final. 

The Sydney North Team won the final  41-26 winning the whole Tournament and becoming the State Champions.


Three Willoughby Public School students attended the North Shore Zone trials, and following that, the combined North Shore/ Manly Warringah zone trials.

Only 12 boys were selected from the first trial to play for the North Shore Zone team and amazingly all three of our WPS students were selected - Patrick and Liam from Year 6 and Max from Year 5.

This group went on later to trial against the Manly Warringah zone boys. 12 boys were then selected from the combined zones including Patrick in Year 6.  

He now moves on to Sydney North trials on the Central Coast on Tuesday 18 May. 


In February, Erin (Year 6) participated in this year's State qualifier for little athletics at Narrabeen Sports academy. She entered 4 events in the u12s girls - 80m hurdles, 100m, high jump and triple jump and was senior member of the 4x100m relay team. She achieved great results, qualifying for all 4 events: 

1st in high jump, 2nd in 100m final, 2nd in Triple jump and 1st in 80m hurdles.

Erin went on to break the state record in her final with a time of 12.61s and is now the NSW State record holder for u12s girls 80m Hurdles. 

Congratulations to Erin, Ben, Patrick, Max and Liam and best of luck to Patrick for May 18!

New equipment from Rebel Sports

Thanks to the P & C for our new play equipment

Thanks to the generosity of the P&C (via their Rebel Sport loyalty program) we have been able to purchase new playground games and equipment to provide students with additional things to do at playtimes.

A selection of Hula Hoops, Grip ball and SmashBall games have made their way into the playground and are already a hit with our students. 

These active games provide opportunities to take part in individual, pair and small group games and supplement the quieter games available to students in the Rose Garden playground. 

By providing our students with a range of play options and activities, we are seeing a happier playground and more positive social interactions, as well as some great new friendships being developed. 

CROSS COUNTRY - New Date Thursday 6 May

The Cross Country for Years 3-6 has been moved to Thursday 6 May. Please keep an eye out for the new permission email. 

Fingers crossed weather conditions will be better! 

Our Year 6 students had a trial run of dressing to impress ... lovely to see the house colours displayed in such style! :-) 

NAPLAN - Year 3 and Year 5

Each year students across Australia in Year 3 and Year 5 sit NAPLAN (National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy). 

This year, the assessment window runs from Tuesday 11 May until Friday 21 May. Willoughby Public School is planning to sit most of the assessments during the first week, 11-14 May.

An information brochure is attached below.

Students in Year 3 and Year 5 require headphones or earphones and these need to be at school no later than Monday 10 May. Most students have already brought these in.

The NAPLAN Public Demonstration site can be located at: https://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment/public-demonstration-site

where examples of the different assessments for Year 3 and Year 5 can be found. 



Library News: A Message from Mr Thorn

Alright, deep breath, let’s rip this band-aid off quickly:

I’m leaving Willoughby PS at the end of Term 2.

Don’t panic, just sit with that for a moment, then read on.

No, don’t go running around screaming and set fire to everything.

Don’t start crying, because then everyone else will as well and you don’t have enough tissues for everyone.

I’m leaving for literal greener pastures and heading off to become the Teacher Librarian at Moss Vale Public School in the Southern Highlands. I interviewed in term one and am really excited to go and help make their library and school as awesome as WPS.

I love working at Willoughby. I’ve been here for nearly six years. I’ve stayed here longer than any other school. It’s definitely not you, nor is it really even me; this is a decision I made for my family. I miss my Mum’s cooking, and I want my daughters to have a backyard with grass and a dog, preferably a big ridiculous one named Mr. Sandwiches. Right now, these things just aren’t possible for us in Sydney.

I will be leaving you in the capable hands of Mrs de Silva and Mrs Cole, who let’s face it, are nicer than me and do more work.

I’ll be here for the rest of the term, working in my normal role and arranging to have a tasteful statue of myself installed in the school somewhere, I’m thinking something subtle, around 8 feet tall, bronze, you know: classy.

Feel free to come and talk to me when the library is open, even if you’re mad I’ll take it as a compliment.

Yours in stories,

Mr Thorn.

News from the P&C


Hi all!

Some of the biggest feedback we get is about traffic and so it’s been great to finally get bollards to create some visual assistance in the drop-off and pick-up zones. The Traffic Taskforce is working tirelessly with the school, council and government behind the scenes to make meaningful changes, please bear with us whilst we navigate this complex matter.

Following the approval of the Waste Audit grant, the appointed consultants had a kick off meeting earlier in the week and we’re really looking forward to the project commencing in June. It’ll be a community event and the outcomes will redefine how the school, teachers and most importantly students deal with waste. Watch out for more news on how you can help.

With greater onsite attendance now permitted, we look forward to welcoming everyone to our Term 2 P&C Meeting on Wednesday 19th May at 7 pm, in the School Hall.



P&C President

Willoughby Public School



In lieu of the Mother’s Day Stall, this year we are inviting all our wonderful WPS Mother and special other to a Mother’s Day Breakfast on Friday 7th May at 8am.

The event will be held under the new COLA so there's plenty of space for kids to stay and play with their special guest. The band will be playing to add to the fun.

This is a ticket event and each ticket includes:

- 1 x tea or coffee

- 2 x pastries (1 large + 1 mini to share)

- a special gift

If you can’t stay until 9am, you’re welcome to take your hot drink, pastries and gift as a takeaway!

Tickets & more info; https://www.trybooking.com/BQSTD

A big thanks to our wonderful Willoughby Dads' Club for their help organising this event.


HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR PAVER? LAST CHANCE! We are wrapping up the paver sales over the next 2 weeks and this is your LAST CHANCE to purchase. Find all the details of the project and purchase your personalised paver here: https://vicepresidentcomms.wixsite.com/makeyourmark



If you’re buying boots or shopping for shoes, don't forget to mention Willoughby Public School every time you shop at Rebel!

Every time you shop at Rebel, 5% of your purchase can be credited to WPS to buy sports equipment for our kids. Just ask for 'Willoughby Public School' to be added as your 'club' next time you shop in-store!



Hey Dads & Male Carers, the Dads' Club needs your help preparing for the Mothers and Others Day Breakfast, next Friday 7th May.

If you can spare a little of your time to help make this event special for our Mums & carers, please sign up here: https://volunteersignup.org/PQFPH

You are welcome to bring your kids with you!

If you have any questions about the roles, please shoot Joel an email: joelamoroney@gmail.com

Thank you for volunteering!


Read more here:



The Uniform Shop is open each Wednesday and Friday from 8.30am to 9.30am during term time.

Online shopping is the easiest way to purchase uniform items and is available at: https://wps-uniform-shop.myshopify.com/.  Orders will be delivered to classrooms on Wednesdays and Fridays.

School winter uniform - clarification

During Weeks 1-3, students can wear either summer or winter uniforms. All students are expected to be in winter uniform by Monday of Week 4. 

Please find below clarification of the current winter uniform for students.

The Uniform Shop is managed by Lynda Morris, who can be contacted on uniform@wpspandc.com.au or on mobile 0416 046 181.

WPS Winter Uniform Information


P&C Voluntary Contributions explained


Make Your Mark

Parent Guide to NSW Syllabuses


Ethics Classes – Volunteers Needed

Willoughby Public School is currently looking for volunteer Ethics Teachers.

Do you think it’s important for children to be taught to disagree respectfully and support their arguments with evidence and well thought out moral choices? Do you think children can be taught not to act out of blind habit or peer pressure? In ethics classes, children consider complex issues such as: -how others feel -how do we treat all living things? -what is laziness? -how do we disagree in a respectful way? -what is fairness & equity Ethics teachers receive full training by Primary Ethics.

Suitable volunteers should have an interest in children’s education and the development of critical thinking skills. You need to be available for at least half an hour each Wednesday between 11.30am and 1pm during term time. They may be parents, grandparents or supportive members of the local community. If you are able to assist to ensure that more children can benefit from this program, please visit www.primaryethics.com.au to find out more about the program, or email willoughbypsethics@gmail.com to get in contact with our school’s Ethics co-ordinator Greg Flavel.

School Community Charter - Collaborative. Respectful. Communication.

The attached School Community Charter outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff in NSW public schools to ensure our learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive.

2021 Canteen Menu

Please see attached menu for Canteen 2021. 


At Willoughby Public School we have a number of students with a



Even a small trace of nut, peanut or nut/peanut product may trigger a severe allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis, which attacks the immune system leading potentially to death within minutes.

This reaction can happen by taste, touch and sometimes can be airborne. All of these students have access to an adrenaline injection in the form of an Epipen, which can save lives. Photo posters are displayed in the classrooms, canteen, staffroom, playground bags and sick bay for easy identification of these children.

Willoughby PS works with parents/carers to support students in developing an awareness of their allergies and what foods to avoid. Students are encouraged not to share food and to always check with a parent/adult/teacher if unsure at any time. 


Please help us by not including peanut or any nut products in your child’s lunchbox. This includes peanut butter and Nutella. 

Please avoid products with any nuts/peanuts listed as an ingredient. 

Explain about nut/peanut allergy to your child and encourage the ‘no food sharing’ rule. 

Please consider what you are sending for birthday treats to share with the class, checking there are no nut products included. 

The school canteen does not serve products containing nuts. 

It is only with the continued support of all parents and staff that we can effectively maintain a safe school environment for these children.  

Thank you for your understanding. We know you will want to support the school and these children.

Put safety ahead of convenience. Always.




Kids House currently has a large number of vacancies in Before School Care, and they need greater patronage urgently.

Please contact Jody: 02 9958 0913


31 Penshurst St, Willoughby

How to install the SkoolBag App




