Dear Parents and Carers,
Well, here we are in week three of remote learning. We hope you are all coping during these unprecedented times. We pray that all within our community continue to keep safe.
Last Friday Mr Chris Maguire and I met with parents over a Zoom call. Thank you to all those who were able to join us. During this call we discussed the high level of student participation in daily activities. The quality of work we are seeing students complete has been amazing. We appreciate all of the support and dedication from our parents. We realise and acknowledge the pressure and challenges these times are presenting. Many of our parents and staff are juggling working from home, supporting their children’s education through remote learning and dealing with everyday life. We are very appreciative of all of the hard work being undertaken by everyone.
We discussed the feedback received from the Parent Voice Google Form and were able to implement suggestions such as regular zooms from Kindergarten to Year 6 and the uploading of the daily plan the night before to assist with organisation. We will continue to work together to provide the most meaningful and rich experiences for our students.
Our admin staff are doing an amazing job in continuing the running of the school and our teachers and support staff are working tirelessly to ensure the ongoing success of our students during online learning. We are blessed to have such a dedicated school community.
This morning we have been privileged to be part of the Kindergarten Zoom calls, it was very special seeing all of the happy faces of the children. I know the teachers loved being able to interact personally with the students. We look forward to seeing students on the Zoom calls over the next few days.
Last Friday we were advised by NSW Health that Blacktown is now an LGA where restrictions have been tightened. As you can appreciate this announcement impacts the staffing at Mary Immaculate. Up until now we have managed to have a teacher from each grade at school each day, however, with these new directives we will now need to group year groups in various spaces to manage the allocation of staff supervising students. We ask that in line with NSW Health Regulations that you keep your children at home unless you are an essential worker or there are no other possible supervision options.
We thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our community safe.
Mrs Sharon Mizzi
Acting Principal