Nhill College Newsletter

August 13th 2021 - Number 25

School Council

Principal: Mark Zimmermann

President: Tarrah Dodds   Vice President:  Karen Shurdington

Parent Reps: Megan Bone, Josh Cramer, Simon Dufty, Simon Farmers,  Carlee Kennedy,  Sarah White

Student Reps: Xavier Bone, Brock Stephens

DET Reps: Vivienne Bonnell, Alannah King, Kim Magrath, Lauren McCartney

Nhill College is a Child Safe School

Our School Values:

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Teamwork
  • Confidence
  • Excellence
  • Endeavour

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program

The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program is designed to bring together school communities to develop positive, safe and supportive learning cultures by helping to foster an environment that assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children.  As part of the SWPBS program, a rewards system has been developed to encourage students to always:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful
  • Be a Learner

From The Principal: Mark Zimmermann

COVID-19 Update

It was very encouraging to be allowed to welcome all students and staff back on-site when restrictions were eased in regional Victoria on Tuesday.  It is remarkable how smoothly the transition in and out of such a short period of lockdown was able to me made.  Our students are again to be commended on the resilience they have demonstrated and for their flexibility in adjusting to their ever-changing learning environments.  And, once more, I would like to acknowledge the amazing efforts of our wonderful staff who have again been able to adapt to the needs of our students in these uncertain times.

Once again, the key points regarding the operating guidelines at school are as follows:

  • Stay home when unwell and get tested
  • School staff and secondary school students aged 12 or older must always wear a face mask indoors and outdoors at school, unless a lawful exception applies.
  • Face masks are mandatory for all students aged 12 or older when travelling to and from school on the school bus.
  • Children under 12 years of age and students at primary school are not required to wear face masks at school – but can do so if they wish.
  • For communication purposes, teachers and education support staff are not required to wear face masks while teaching, but those who wish to do so, can.
  • Parents are requested to only enter the school grounds when essential to do so and to contact the school by phone or email where appropriate instead. 
  • Parents/carers are asked to observe physical distancing measures before and after school by not congregating in areas inside or around the school – including the school car park and at the school gate.
  • All access to the school must be directed through the Office.
  • If permitted to come onsite, any visitors/parents must also observe face mask requirements and use the QR Code check-in facilities provided.  (Anyone unable to use a smartphone will be required to use the Kiosk check-in service available at the office).

Annual Parent Opinion Survey

Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents/caregivers/guardians (previously known as the Parent Opinion Survey). It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. 

All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be conducted from Friday 30th July to Sunday 22nd August.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. 

Each family will receive a message via Compass containing a link to the survey and a specific PIN number that will need to be entered in order to access the survey.  

Please contact the office if you would like more information.

Coming Events

  • CBCA Book Week: Sunday 21st - Friday 27th August
  • Primary Book Week Dress up Parade: Friday 27th August
  • Kinder online information session: Monday 30th August at 7pm.
  • Presentation Ball:  Thursday 23rd September 

From The Assistant Principal: Kim Magrath

Nhill College Foundation 2022 Enrolments

It is that time of year when we all get excited about enrolling our kindergarten students into schools for 2022.
Due to restrictions we are unable to provide Kinder tours or information sessions onsite for our future 2022 enrolments. Nhill College will be holding an online information session on Monday 30th August at 7pm. Further Information will be sent out to kinder families next week. During this information session, families will receive information about the programs Nhill College offers and the enrolment details. Please do not hesitate to ring us on 53912111, if you would like any information about Nhill College. 

Welcome Back To All The Smiling Faces!!!!

New Navy Polo Shirts

Some of the new school polo shirts have arrived and can now be purchased from the uniform store.  At this point in time, however, not all sizes are available.  In stock we have junior sizes 4 - 16 and Mens sizes S - 2XL.  It is hoped that Ladies sizes will arrive shortly and we will let everyone know through the newsletter as soon as they do.

Prices for the new school polo shirts are:

Sizes 04-2XL  $30.00

Just a reminder that the traditional light blue polo shirts are still readily available and can still be purchased through the uniform store as well as the new items.

Clearance Sale ~ Uniform items

Due to the arrival of the navy polo shirts we need to clear some uniform items at fantastic savings.  Feel free to pop into the office during office hours, to check out the heavily discounted children's fleecy line trackpants as well as some gaberdine trousers, at 50% discounted prices.

Fleecy trackpants - $14- (were $28-)

Unisex Gaberdine  trousers - $20- (were $40-)

Book Week: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Breakfast and Social Club

The Nhill College Breakfast and Social Club will be back operating in the Nhill College BBQ area on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings during the school term.  The club is for all students and provides a healthy start to the school day. It is both a place for students to enjoy food and socialise when they arrive at school. All Nhill College students are invited to meet and eat breakfast and/or socialise together.  Breakfast will be offered from 8.30am until the commencement of school, free of charge.

Looking After Your Child's Wellbeing

Looking After Your Child's Mental Health

What is VETiS?

Vocational Education Training in Schools gives students from Year 10 the opportunity to gain Nationally Recognised certificates in certain trades or fields of work. It usually takes a minimum of two years to complete. Students travel to Horsham or Longerenong College on Wednesdays through the school term to complete their studies.

 What VETiS courses are available?

There are 20 different courses that are available. But courses only run if there are enough numbers to run. If you would like more information https://vet.llen.com.au/courses/

 What do students need to do to apply for VETiS course?

We ask students to first look at the course available and talk to their parents about it. Students will then talk to either Mrs Hedt or Mrs Sampson about completing a VETiS course during their subject selection meeting. Once that is completed, a meeting will be arranged with both the student and parents regarding the commitment of completing a VETiS course. Students will need to complete an online application that is due on the 17th of September 2021. It is not a first in best dressed system. Year 12 students get first preference, then Year 11 students and then Year 10 students.

 Is there a cost for students to complete VETiS?

Yes, the bus costs $9.40 return to Horsham and an extra $3.40 if attending Longerenong. Certain subjects have a material fee that students and family pay. The school pays for the course fees and have the right to withdraw a student if they are not attending or misbehaving.

VET Horticulture Fact Sheet


Early Childhood Education & Care Fact Sheet


Community Event


Funky Sock Friday!

Just a quick reminder that every student from Foundation to Year 12 are invited to wear their funkiest socks on all Fridays! Whether you have pairs of socks with wacky patterns, palm trees on them or brightly coloured designs, so long as it is funky then feel free to wear them on Friday. Students are also requested to bring with them a silver or gold coin which will be donated to the organisation Mates4Mates. They are one of Australia’s leading charities actively changing the lives of current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members, and their families, impacted by service. Australian Defence Force Veterans have already given so much back to us so it’s time we gave back to them.

School Attendance: Every Day Counts

Research shows that the academic and social development of students is affected each day they are absent, and that going to school every day is the single most important part of your child's education.  Following the potential disruptions to the social and academic progress of students caused due to COVID-19 last year, it is more important than ever for children to be at school. 

If your child is unwell or absolutely cannot attend school for some reason, it is important to let the school know of their absence and the reason why prior to the day if planned or at the start of the day if the absence is not planned.  The easiest way to do this is via Compass.  Alternatively, you can contact the office at school on 5391 2111.

If your child is absent and we have not been notified, you will receive a text message asking you to contact the school with an explanation.  If we do not receive a reply to our text message, we will be following up with a phone call.

For any questions regarding attendance, please contact Kim Magrath on 5391 2111.

School Attendance


As previously mentioned in last week's newsletter, due to the recent Covid restrictions many Open Day plans have changed, with most events now having moved to a Virtual space.  I have been through and checked these changes and altered our list accordingly - so please check the updated Open Day information attached to this newsletter.   I have done my best to provide the most up to date information, but please do your own research to ensure the information is correct.  Please ensure you register for any Open Days you wish to 'attend'.  This will ensure you receive any required links you may need to watch online sessions and be informed of any changes to their delivery of events.  You will also be kept up to date of any course information you have registered an interest in.

 Thank you,

 Mrs Natalie Sampson



Alternative University Selection Information here


Our senior students are advised that Deakin University has some webinars coming up on various courses they offer.   If you are considering further study you may wish to look into what they have available. Please check out the following link: https://www.deakin.edu.au/student-life-and-services/events/future-student-events?cid=em|mkt|evnt|dide|na|na|pr|eml&mkt-unique=EEEMEN&mkt_tok=MjA5LUlOUS0zNjcAAAF8ceiMSwRy_1nHe4yU-LsrEl7ymW1VRRXKeskV30shzPBbdGhxzSGzhbgzwm-S8zeNmnQxk9CKxlnR3NzNTYCv11u571Y4-ehppJVh9pKJGISi_w#study

Mrs Natalie Sampson


Anyone interested in studying at La Trobe University should strongly consider applying for the Aspire Early Admissions Program.  Applications opened 19th April, and close 17th September. What can Aspire offer you?  Successful applicants can:

  • Be rewarded for your involvement in community, leadership, and volunteering with an early conditional offer at La Trobe.  
  • When you apply for Aspire, you’ll be automatically considered for one of 40 available Aspire scholarships.
  • Receive an early offer for your course by October and know what your future holds.
  • Smash your Year 12 goals with access to hundreds of free VCE and HSC study guides and revision lectures.

Please check out the following link for more information: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/study/aspire?cid=edm%3Aacs%3Anan%3Anan%3Ainf%3Anan%3Anan%3Anan%3Anan%3Anan%3Aall%3Abch%3Anan%3Anan&deliveryName=DM15688

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Applications

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.

Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students and $225 for eligible secondary school students. Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the school office on 5391 2111 and ask for an application form.

You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page.

Check with the school office if you are unsure, and please return completed forms to the school office as soon as possible.

CSEF - Camps, Sports & Excursion Funding

Please find below information relating to the CSEF eligibility on how to apply.

Please update your student's Action Plan Annually

It is a Department of Education requirement that each enrolled student who has an action plan updates this each year.  Please see below the forms required, those students who currently have an action plan in place will be sent out a form to be completed by your Doctor or specialist.  If your child has recently been diagnosed with an Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Allergy or new medical condition please advise the general office.

Anaphylaxis Action Plan

Asthma Action Plan

Tertiary Access Payment $5,000 Support for Regional 2021 Commencing Students

As part of the Australian Government Job-ready Graduate Package, the Tertiary Access Payment – (TAP) aims to encourage, assist and support students relocating or are living remotely to access tertiary education despite financial and/or geographic barriers.  Students who are eligible for the payment will receive $5000 to help make the transition to tertiary education more comfortable and stress-free. The TAP can be used to cover costs associated with study, such as accommodation, technology upgrades, stationary or textbooks. You are eligible for the TAP if you are:

  • From an outer regional, remote or very remote area [hyperlink].
  • Relocating to study at an institution at least 90 minutes by public transport away from home.
  • Enrolling in a Certificate IV or higher qualification with a duration of 12 months
  • Enrolled in full-time study load (75% minimum) over the 12 months
  • Looking to access TAP immediately after completing year 12 or equivalent

To express interest in being considered for the Tertiary Access Payment, students are asked to complete Expression of Interest to receive notifications from us when the application process is open.   Submit Expression of Interest


2021 BYOD News: Edunet Specifications Sheet for Parents

The shift to remote learning last year led to significant changes to our traditional methods of providing students who don't have BYODs with access to school laptops.  These arrangements will stay in place for this year, which is fantastic for all those families who do not have a BYOD, as we are committed to ensuring that that this provision will be available in 2021.  However, there will be one major change to the borrowing arrangements this year.  Those students who do not have a BYOD, will not be permitted to take their school allocated laptop home with them each night and will be required to return them to the charging station in the library at the end of the day.  This will help us to avoid any damage in transit between school and home, as well as acting as an incentive for families to consider a BYOD that can be used at home as well as at school.  

To assist those families interested in exploring BYOD options, we have new and updated models for our BYOD program through Edunet.  Please open the attachment below for details about the devices.  Mr Shrive is happy to take questions from parents or students if they are looking at purchasing a BYOD.

The online ordering portal is accessible via http://nhillcollege.technologyportal.com.au  The Access Code you will need to access the portal is NC2021

A video explaining the benefits of using Edunet can also be found here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bWjEs_iA58    


Welcome to Facebook

Last year we successfully trialled a Nhill College Facebook page to help us promote school events and activities with the wider community.  We will continue to use Compass, our web page and the weekly newsletter to keep families associated with the school up to date with all of the events and activities that occur in and around the school each week.  However, our Facebook page has allowed us to broaden exposure to the school and reach a number of people who may not have otherwise had access to our formal communication channels.  Our Facebook page will continue to be purely for promotion, publicity and to inform everyone of the upcoming events and happenings within the College.  All notes, questions, concerns or communication to staff regarding students still need to be directed to the College via Compass or on (03) 5391 2111.  To find our Facebook page, simply follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/nhillcollege/ or type Nhill College in the search function on Facebook. (Please be aware there is also an unofficial Nhill College facebook page that does not show the Nhill College logo).

Please like/follow the page and then you will be kept up-to-date with all of our posts.  

Access to Nhill College Newsletter

If you are reading this, you obviously have access to the school newsletter.  However, some families have asked how grandparents or community members can stay in touch with the school when they don't have access to Compass.  The answer is that anyone can access the school's newsletter through the College website: www.nhillcollege.vic.edu.au.  Please advise any family, friends or interested members of the wider community, that the newsletter is the main source of information from the school and that it is available to anyone who would like to read it.  Spread the word!

Canteen Menu Term 3


Compass Parent Fact Sheet and FAQs
