Broken Hill North Public School

Newsletter No. 39 - 13 December 2021

From the Principal

What’s on?

Week 11

Mon 13 Dec               Year 6 Farewell Luncheon

Tue 14 Dec                K-6 Party Day

                                    P&C Meeting at 6.30pm in Community Centre

Thur 16 Dec               Last day for 2022 – Enjoy the Christmas holidays spending time with those

                                    who love you most.


Principal’s Report

Whilst this year has once again been impacted by COVID-19, I believe we have had a great year. Collectively I feel we’ve learnt a great deal from our experiences in 2020 and again have managed to make lemonade out of the lemons that were thrown at us. Whilst it hasn’t been perfect there have been far more highs than lows and I feel privileged to be the Principal of our amazing school. God knows what our reality will be coming off the holiday break! I’m sure though, whatever presents itself in 2022 our collective commitment to Paradise will get us through. Be kind to yourselves and others.

Our Year 6 Farewell Luncheon will be held on Monday 13th December from 12.30pm and as in past years it is our staff’s opportunity to acknowledge our oldest students and wish them well as they transition to high school. It’s going to be fantastic!

To our Year 6 cohort who will be moving on to their secondary education I wish you all the best and trust you will make the most of the opportunities available to you in high school. Remember, once a Northie always a Northie!!



Our Presentation Day and Royal Blue Assembly were both held last week. Our students were amazing and showed great respect for the occasions. Huge thanks to Mrs Hellyer and Mr Lardner who put together an audio/visual production of the days’ events, hopefully you’ve been able to view and get a window into the occasions.


Level 3 settings

Parents and carers on site
Parents and carers must check in using the school check-in, show proof of vaccination on entry to the school site and follow mask-wearing requirements.

Parents and carers must follow their school’s advice regarding student drop-off and pick-up, which will usually require parents to remain off school sites at these times. This includes staying in the car when dropping off and picking up children if it is safe to do so.

Parents and carers should follow the physical distancing advice for their local area and avoid gathering outside of school gates.

Assemblies and presentations

Assemblies and presentations will be allowed outdoors on site. Cohorts will be separated with physical distancing in place where practicable.

Fully vaccinated visitors (including parents and carers) are only allowed to attend if completing a specific role (such as presenting) and at the invitation of the school. All visitors must check in using the school check-in and show proof of vaccination.

Graduations and formals

Schools can plan for these events to be held from 1 December.

Graduations and formals will be allowed within cohorts, either on school sites or at external venues.

For graduations and formals held on school sites, students in the cohort may attend regardless of vaccination status.

Currently masks are required for anyone aged 12 and over while indoors (and strongly recommended for primary school students) except while eating and drinking. If graduations and formals are held outdoors, masks are not required.

Using shared spaces at school

Shared spaces, such as changing rooms, libraries, school halls and other communal areas, may only be used by one cohort at a time, with adherence to strict personal hygiene protocols and physical distancing requirements.

Parents and citizens associations meetings outside of school hours

P&C associations may hold meetings on school sites outside of school hours without a Community Use Agreement or COVID-19 Safety Plan.

The local President of the P&C, or a delegate, must ensure:

  •  All P&C members that attend meetings on the school site must be fully vaccinated. The President (or delegate) must visually sight vaccination status to verify that requirements are met.
  •  All P&C members in attendance at each meeting must check-in using either the school check-in code or a P&C-specific QR code.


Fixed Mindset

I give up

Change to

Growth Mindset

I’ll try some of the strategies I’ve learned

Which mindset is most likely to result in learning?  Change the words, change the mindset!

Attendance Snapshot

Term 4 Week 10

Target 91%

Actual - 76.46%

K FK-1 MK-6 CK-6 DK-6 R1 H2 M

2-3 P3-4 K3-4 S3-6 L4-5 M5-6 G5-6 W

Lots of room for improvement here - Every day counts!

Classes of the Week

Raise Responsibility Class Points ( > 90% ) All classes!!! YLB’s!

100% Green students – K F, K-1 M, K-6 R, 1 H, 2 M, 2-3 P, 3-4 K, 3-4 S, 3-6 L, 4-5 M, 5-6 G & 5-6 VW

Attendance – K F, 1 H, 5-6 G & 5-6 VW

100% attendees – 148 students attended every day this week. 


Congratulations to the following students who achieved Gold Level last week 

K FLucas O'Loughlin
K-6 RDeklin Dawson
2 MToby McClure
5-6 VWEli Ahearn

The following student will be awarded their Silver Level certificates –Cooper Holloway and Dean Murphy

The following student will be awarded their Bronze Level certificates –Daiv Gajjar, Austin Nilsen and Ibrahim Nizamani

The certificates will be presented to students some time this week. Congratulations and thanks for setting the example at our school.


Class AwardsLearning Power Awards
K FAaliyah Devlin-Knott, Indianna Rampling, Paigen Arnold
1 HPhoenix Meadows, Charlie Stephens, Teresa Stone, Ace Reid

Thought for the week

Community News

Broken Hill North Public School

Our school prides itself on providing all students with a broad education and the ability to achieve.